Remember To Be Interesting

I over explain. I often over explain what I'm explaining with a four or five interruptions to spit out caveats, pre-qualifiers, and explanations to explain what I'm explaining. I try to head off every possible questions someone's going to have or to put to rest any misconception, doubt, or disagreement they may have about what I'm going to say before I say it. I'm sort of doing that now. And it usually backfires. Because after I'm done, the poor listener has had to follow me down five different paths and they're understandably lost after I stop to take a breath. Then we start over and figure it out or, unfortunately, they're put off and don't care to understand by that point. Somewhere along the way, I learned to avoid the questions. The thing is, there's a beauty in getting the chance to express yourself. To let something unfold. Often, my best explanation of something has happened when someone has asked me a question and I have to stop ...