Kurosawa - 30 in 30

Kurosawa 30 in 30 - Plus Bonus Supercut It has been a long time since I had much to talk about in regards to any personal creative efforts. I've got all the amateur excuses lined up. But that's a topic for another day, and rest assured, I have been writing again. BUT today is about Akira Kurosawa. To most film fans and filmmakers he is a a familiar name. I'm not here to argue if he's the best or if Ozu's better (they were friends so I'm not sure they would have cared for the argument) because how can we really determine that. I simply wanted to make a super cut that paid a little tribute to a filmmaker who has a significant impact on me. That's it. I admire him and his very frequent collaborators (both cast and crew!) a great deal and this was a fun way to show them off. I highly recommend his autobiography, Something Like an Autobiography and Waiting on the Weather: Making Movies With Akira Kurosawa by Teruyo Nogami. The second book is equal p...